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Marldon BC Newsletter

Cashless Bar/ Rink Fees

Please note, we have a cashless bar this season as it makes life much easier for the team of bar volunteers and the bar manager.
Now we have a cashless bar you cannot obtain change for your rink fees at the bar, so it would be helpful if you can bring the correct money to pay your rink fee before game, thank you. I am advised that you can pay rink fee by card if you wish.

Our Bar manager will be opening bar from 6pm every Monday, Wednesday and Friday Night this season if weather is favourable.

Rink Diary

We have purchased an on-line Rink Booking program, which has two main features. Members can put their name down for games and check when they have been selected without coming to the club. Members will also be able to book rinks for competitions and remotely check if rinks are available. The program can be accessed from Computers,Tablets or Smartphones and a computer will be available at the club for anyone who does not have a suitable device.

The link is www.marldon.rinkdiary.co.uk.

Training and support is still available for anyone who still requires it, contact Les Clarke to arrange or have a look at the training information below.

Training 1 - How to register and put name down for games. Register/Name down

Training 2 - Booking a rink (for competitions etc) (Note Booking a rink for a rollup is is optional.) Booking a rink

Club Caps

Many thanks to Craig Ayres for sourcing club caps, these are £12.50 each and can be ordered from the club. There are two choices, the cloth one modelled by Craig and the mesh one modelled by Pam.
The band at the back is elastic so sizing isn’t a problem. Please let Theresa Cornelius know if you would like to order one or more.
Please indicate - Cloth or Mesh.

Baseball cap with club badge Baseball cap with club badge

Club Nights

We are having club nights in Umbrella format on Wednesday evenings from 6pm. Starting on May 8th. (arrive 5:30 to get organised into teams). Rules are posted on the Club Night page in the members area of this site.

Martin Rolfe is also organising a "HeathTriples" League, see members area of website or contact Martin for details.

Opening Day 2024

We opened for the summer as planner on April 21st, a nice sunny Day. Our president Ray O'Brien bowled the first wood before members took to the green for a spider and a quick practice before the Barbecue Lunch which was followed by a game of around 15 ends. A few pictures from the day can be found at this page

Club and Green Maintenance - More volunteers needed.

Maintenance sessions continue on Tuesday mornings. The green will not be open for Roll ups on Tuesday am, if you are free that morning, why not volunteer for one of the maintenance jobs.

Paul cannot cu the grass at present so we need a team of volunteers to assist in keeping the grass cut regularly. If you can spare a morning a week, or if we get enough volunteers, one morning a fortnight, to cut the grass on the bowling green, please ring Paul Stretton to let him know when you can come.
Many Thanks,
Management Committee.

Paul has also issued an appeal for more volunteers to attend to lighten the workload of the current Tuesday Maintenance session attendees. So please go down and see what you can do to help. Les Clarke (Site Manager) and Paul would be very grateful!

Volunteers continue to sweep the green daily as this should be done every morning, if weather permits, throughout the year. More volunteers are always welcome, Contact Paul to Volunteer.

Greenkeeper required

We will, at some time in the not too distant future, need a new greenkeeper, as Paul wishes to retire, so if you have any interest in commencing the training required to be our greenkeeper, please let Paul know.

Members Only

We have a Members only area of this web site which is password protected. Members should contact BobTame for the password or to advise of any content they would like to see in there.

Items For Sale/Wanted

June Gibbons has a set of Size 0 heavy, Thomas Taylor, £50 or near offer.

Maureen Morgan has a set of Henselite Classic II Size 1 black for sale. (£40) Contact Maureen if you are interested.

Fran Vallis has Colin's Cotswold Blue Club Blazer for sale, with club badge and in good Condition. Size is either 40 or 42 and Fran will include a club tie in the sale. Price £25. Please contact Fran if you are interested.

A new member is looking for a set of size 00 woods, if anyone can help, let me (Bob Tame) or Ray O'Brien know.

Presidents' Charities

Our incoming President, Ray O'Brien, for the 2024 season has chosen Play Torbay as his charity, a charity that aims to improve the play facilities available for local children.

2023 President, Pat Edwards, thanked the club for her year as President and told us that the amount raised for her Charity in 2023 season was £1355.40. She handed over a cheque for this amount to John Sharland, representing the Disabled Sailing Torbay.

President handing cheque to Charity representitive

Short Mat Bowls

The Short Mat Bowls in the Village Hall finished on Wednesday 27th March 2024. Hopefully it will re -start in October 2024.

Click here to visit our News Archive

Page updated 2nd July 2024.