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Competition and League Matches - Results and Tables

This results page has links below to club competition results, and all league games and tables for SDL, MDL, RMTL and over 55 league as well as winter indoor league results where known. The results of friendly games are not included.

Click the appropriate link below for the results you wish to see.

Picture of president presenting a cheque Picture of president presenting a cheque


2023- County Competition Results - 2023

The 2023 M.D.L Cup.

was played on Aug 21st 2023. TCBC 'A' knocked our 'B' team out in the first round and narrowly beat our 'A' team in the second round

Devon Top Club

Marldon played away at Kings on 7th June and lost 4 to 1.
We won the 4 wood singles (Jamie Phillips), but everyone else lost their games.

County Trophy - June 12th 2023

Away at Torquay, Result: Torquay 100 - Marldon 50 The experience of a predominantly premier league team gave torquay a decisive edge and they were easy winners. Marldon were short of a few key players but those who played did their best and did win on one rink of the four.

Foxlands Trophy

Marldon won the first round against Country Club, reversing last years result and we play the next round on June 16th.

Ladies Grace Matthews Trophy

Marldon lost to Babbacombe.

Ladies Inter Club Competition

Marldon Ladies lost to Topsham at Bitton Park.